Can You Bond Out on a Capias Warrant?

Are you familiar with the term “capias warrant”? Perhaps you or someone you know has found themselves in a situation where they have received one.  This type of warrant is not to be taken lightly, as it can have serious consequences. But what exactly is a capias warrant? Can you bond out if you find yourself with one?

In this blog post, we will provide you with all the essential information you need to know about capias warrants, including what they are, how they work, and whether or not you can bond out if you have one. So, if you are interested in learning more about navigating this challenging legal situation, keep reading.

What is a Capias Warrant?

A capias warrant is an arrest warrant issued by a court when someone has failed to comply with a previous court order. This can be due to various reasons, such as not appearing in court for a scheduled hearing, failing to pay fines or fees ordered by the court, or violating probation conditions. Essentially, a capias warrant results from non-compliance with a court-ordered obligation.

How Does it Work?

When a capias warrant is issued, law enforcement officers are permitted to arrest the individual named in the warrant and bring them before the court. This type of warrant differs from other types of warrants in that it does not require evidence or probable cause for an arrest. Instead, the person can be arrested solely because they have failed to comply with a court order.

How to handle a capias warrant?

If you or someone you know has been issued a capias warrant, it is important to take immediate action. Acting quickly can help minimize the consequences and potential penalties from this situation. Here are some steps that can help you handle a capias warrant:

  1. Contact an Attorney: The first thing you should do when receiving a Capias warrant is contact an experienced attorney. They can advise you on the best action and represent you in court.
  2. Turn Yourself In: It is always better to turn yourself in than wait for law enforcement to find you. This shows that you are taking responsibility for your actions and may help reduce penalties.
  3. Pay Any Outstanding Fines or Fees: If your Capias warrant was issued for non-payment of fines or fees, you may be able to clear the warrant by paying them. This can help in avoiding an arrest and potential incarceration.
  4. Attend All Scheduled Court Hearings: It is very crucial to attend all court hearings as scheduled and comply with any court orders to avoid further legal issues.

Can You Bond Out on a Capias Warrant?

The short answer is yes, you can bond out on a capias warrant. However, it is more complex than posting bail for other types of warrants. When someone has a capias warrant issued against them, they are typically held in custody until a hearing can be scheduled. At this hearing, the judge will review the reasons for the warrant and determine if bond can be granted.

The judge will consider various factors, such as the seriousness of the offense, past criminal history, and flight risk, before deciding whether to grant a bond. If a bond is granted, it may come with specific conditions that must be met, such as surrendering a passport or attending counseling.


What is a writ of capias?

A writ of capias, also known as a capias warrant, is an arrest warrant issued by a court for someone who has failed to comply with a previous court order. This can include not appearing in court or failing to pay fines.

How serious is a capias warrant in Ohio?

Capias warrants are taken very seriously in Ohio and can result in potential jail time and other penalties. Handling these warrants promptly and complying with any court orders is important.

Can a capias warrant be lifted?

Yes, a capias warrant can be lifted by either complying with the terms of the original court order or through a motion filed by your attorney. The judge will review the circumstances and may choose to lift the warrant. However, it is always best to consult with an attorney for guidance on handling a capias warrant.

Can you go to jail for a capias warrant?

Yes, you can go to jail for a capias warrant. Failure to comply with the court order or conditions set by the judge can lead to incarceration. It is important to take these warrants seriously and seek legal help to handle them appropriately.

What is a capias charge?

A capias charge is a criminal charge that results from failing to comply with a court-ordered obligation. This can include charges such as failure to appear, violation of probation, or non-payment of fines. The consequences of a capias charge can vary depending on the severity of the offense and the individual’s criminal history.


In conclusion, receiving a capias warrant can be a daunting and stressful experience. However, it is essential to take quick and appropriate action when faced with one. 

Consulting with an experienced attorney can help you navigate this situation and potentially minimize the consequences of the warrant. Remember to comply with all court orders and attend scheduled hearings to avoid further legal issues. 

Being proactive and taking responsibility can greatly influence the outcome of a capias warrant. 

So, if you ever find yourself in this situation, do not panic and seek help from a trusted legal professional.

Related Post: Can you bond out on a felony charges?



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