Is It Illegal To Name Your Child Jesus? (United States)

Names have power. They can inspire dreams and shape identities. They also carry social and religious significance that parents must consider carefully when choosing a name for their child. This issue came to the forefront of discussion recently when a couple in California named their son Jesus. 

While an admirable namesake, does choosing this name present any legal issues? In this post, I will explore different perspectives on naming children after religious figures like Jesus and discuss any potential legal implications parents may face. 

Choosing a name is a deeply personal decision for any family, but it’s important to understand how it may impact your child over the course of their life. By examining this particular case and related issues, my aim is to have an thoughtful discussion that considers multiple viewpoints in this nuanced debate.

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Is it illegal to name your child Jesus?

In the United States, the legality of naming a child Jesus is not prohibited by any federal laws. Cultural norms and the freedom of religion enshrined in the U.S. Constitution allow parents a wide berth in choosing names for their children. 

However, state regulations might have specific requirements such as the inclusion of alphabetical characters only—which impacts the use of numerals or symbols. 

Overall, the name Jesus, common in many Hispanic cultures as ‘Hesus’, does not encounter legal barriers and is relatively unrestricted in the U.S. compared to some other countries with more stringent naming laws.

And Jesus is a common Hispanic name. About 82 people per 100,000 named Jesus in the U.S. Jesus is currently more popular than the men’s names Kalvin, Alexi and Eddy, but less common than the women’s names Katharina, Izabella, and Lavena

As you can see, naming your child Jesus in the U.S. is not uncommon or illegal. 

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Who Controls Baby Naming in the U.S.?

Ultimately, parents have the legal authority to choose their child’s name in the United States. No centralized government agency or entity regulates baby names at a national level. 

The responsibility for naming a child falls squarely on the parents, with state governments only getting involved if there are suspicions of child abuse or neglect.

However, there have been some cases where authorities have intervened in extreme situations, such as when a New Jersey couple named their child Adolf Hitler. 

Are There Naming Laws in the U.S.?

While there are no federal laws regarding baby names in the U.S., each state has its naming regulations. These generally include guidelines for acceptable characters, maximum length, and restrictions on offensive or vulgar names.

For example, in New York State, names cannot include numbers or symbols and must not be longer than 40 characters. 

In California, there are no specific naming laws except for requirements relating to using alphabetical characters only.

What Names Are Banned in The U.S.?

Certain states have banned certain names due to their association with notorious figures or events. For example, in California, the name Osama Bin Laden is prohibited due to its association with terrorism. 

Similarly, in Michigan, parents cannot choose the name Lucifer for their child as it is deemed offensive and blasphemous.

In addition to state regulations, there are also naming laws that apply at a federal level for certain government documents, such as Social Security cards and passports. These typically require that names are accurately represented and do not include offensive or misleading information. 

III, Jesus Christ, Adolf Hilter, Santa Claus, and @ were all ruled illegal by courts in the U.S. 

So, can you name your child Jesus? As we have seen, there are no federal laws prohibiting this name, and it is relatively unrestricted in most states. However, as with any name, it’s important to consider potential implications and societal perceptions before making a final decision. 


Can you name your kid Jesus?

Yes, it is legal to name your child Jesus in the United States. There are no federal laws prohibiting this name and each state has its own regulations for baby names. Ultimately, the decision lies with the parents as long as it does not violate any state or federal laws. 

What is Jesus legal name?

In general, Jesus did not have a formal last name. He was most commonly referred to as “Jesus son of Joseph” or “Jesus of Nazareth.” 


In conclusion, while there are no federal laws prohibiting the use of religious names like Jesus in the United States, state regulations may impose certain guidelines or restrictions.

If you are thinking about is it legal to name your child jesus, it’s important to consider the cultural significance and potential impact on your child before making a decision. Ultimately, as a parent, it is your right and responsibility to choose a name for your child that you believe will positively shape their identity. 

So, while there may be differing opinions on naming children after religious figures like Jesus, the choice ultimately lies with the parents and their personal beliefs. 

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